B r e a k f a s t W i t h T h e B e e s

A sharing on the Birth, and Life

of a Honey Bee Colony at Grass Lake Sanctuary, grasslakesanctuary.org

Manchester, Michigan

Monday, November 28, 2011

Bee Tea: Batch #1

Today I took a modified version of Spikenard Farm's Bee Tea with me to the sanctuary.  It was modified in that I only used chamomile and nettle leaf in the tea since those are what I had on hand.  There are several other herbs recommended on the Spikenard website - which is a beautiful site  to visit and one of my top references: http://spikenardfarm.org/beekeeping_tips.html

Anyway, I wasn't sure if it would be warm enough to go into the hive, or even if they would like the mixture I had made.  My car was parked up at the care taker's house - a few hundred yards maybe from the hive.  The passenger side door was opened and I was standing outside the car talking with Marnie, another volunteer.  I looked over and there was a honey bee rummaging around in the open bag I had on the floor which contained the Bee Tea! "She found it - all the way up here! I exclaimed."  It was so cute!  I poured some of the tea in the lid of the jar so she could drink from it - which she did.  Well, I guess that answered my questions... and off I went to put the jar in the hive.

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